Saturday, January 11, 2014


John 6:9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

This story is about Jesus feeding the 5,000 (and probably 2-3 times more than that since only the men are counted).  It's about what He did with a meager offering from a small boy.  I was like that small boy.  Think about it.  A random kid packed a lunch of what probably amounted to a few crackers and a couple of sardines so that he could go out and see what all the excitement was about - who this Jesus is.  There is no way that he possessed the means to feed "thousands".  And yet.......

When I first went to Africa in 2007 on a short term mission trip, I did not believe for one second that I possessed anything that would do anyone any good there.  I was not a doctor or a nurse; I did not have teaching or preaching skills; I was even a fairly new Christian of a few years.  I only felt a strong desire to go and see what He was doing in another part of the world.  That’s all.  I did ask God to go ahead and break my heart for those He wanted me to serve.  The funny thing about new Christians is that you don’t really know how to be cautious about what you ask Him for so I probably wasn’t really ready for what happened on this trip.

What I can tell you is that He was faithful and He ripped a part of my heart right out of my chest and handed a small piece of it to each person I met there, young and old, poor or not.  I was taken down a path of sheer joy as I stood in the very center of God’s will for me, knowing every second that that’s exactly where I was.  I was blessed with relationships with youths I never could have imagined.  And guess what?  It never once mattered that I didn’t possess what I thought were “missionary” skills.  It mattered WHO I became in His service.  It mattered that I said yes.

And so begins my journey.  I have started this blog in an effort to bring you along with me if I can be so bold as to hope for that.  I’m probably not a very good blogger but I’m willing to try.  I can speak what is on my heart and you can ask me any questions you’d like.  I’ll do my best to learn more about this as I go.

I will be moving to Livingstone, Zambia in July 2014.  I will be renting a house, buying a car and working at the David Livingstone Memorial Presbyterian Church and School.  I will be working with some of the most amazing young people on this planet where I am known as "Mama Debi" by most and as "Go-go Debi" (a term that means grandparent) to a few younger ones.  (And no, the American gist of "Go-go Debi" is not lost on me or anyone who knows me!)

Livingstone is very near the magnificent Victoria Falls at the border between southern Zambia and northern Zimbabwe – known as part of Sub-Saharan Africa and is just north of South Africa.  The preparation is extensive and intense.  I am selling everything that my family doesn't want.  I have partnered with a sending organization called The Antioch Partners (TAP).  I am doing lots of training and I will need lots of support, both prayer support and financial support.  Please join with me in any way that you can and do catch my excitement about this new chapter in my life!

And my prayer for you is that the life God wants for you is revealed in just as clear a path as I have come down so that you know without any hesitation that God has been preparing you for that life for a very long time.

Blessed far beyond anything I ever dreamed or deserved,

"Mama" Debi

To partner with me financially, go to (Giving/Partners/Elliott) 
or email me at

Current prayer requests are:
- A dedicated prayer team will be raised up
- Smooth transition to cross cultural norms in the spirit of learning
- Wisdom, discernment & perseverance as I make myself available for whatever God has for me
- Committed partners in ministry both here and in Zambia
- Financial provision that meets all the needs of the ministry


  1. This is a wonderful way for all of us to keep up with you Deb. Stay safe and I can hardly wait to follow your journey.

  2. Thanks for setting this up so we can share, in some small way, with your special journey!
